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Occupational Physician, I work as a Competent Physician, in collaboration with Occupational Medicine centers and as a freelancer in Veneto and Lombardy.

I obtained a Master's Degree in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Verona and a Specialization Diploma in Occupational Medicine at the University of Brescia with full marks and honors.

My passion for the subject has led me to work with several companies of different sizes and sectors, offering advice and support for the management of employee health and safety.

An active member of professional associations in the sector, I am constantly updated to keep up to date with the latest news and developments in the field of prevention and occupational health.

Dott.Ponzoni Pietro



Specialization in Occupational Medicine
University of Brescia, graduated with honors


Internal Medicine Assistant Physician in Training

Internal Medicine Service of the Regional Hospital of Lugano (CH)


Qualification to practice the profession of Medical Surgeon

University of Verona


Single-cycle Master's Degree in Medicine and Surgery
University of Verona, graduated with honors

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